less than 1 minute read

Jan. 2023

New Zealand’s Emissions Reduction Plan had a target to reduce total kilometres travelled by the light vehicle fleet by 20 per cent by 2035 through improved urban form and providing better travel options, particularly in our largest cities. With a focus on major urban areas, this research piece investigated the feasibility of achieving a 20% reduction in light vehicle kilometres travelled.

I analysed and wrangled multiple datasets including the household travel survey, crash analysis system, traffic monitoring system, Stats NZ population projections, and Ministry of Transport historic vehicle kilometres travelled. I prepared, and delivered, two reports:

  1. Crash Outcomes with Declining Light Vehicle Kilometres of Travel and Initial
  2. Investigations on Light Vehicle Kilometres Travelled The report on light vehicle kilometres traveleed has been published as a Te Puna Taiao strategic insight report by Waka Kotahi under the title “Household travel in our major urban areas”. I have presented the findings from this research at multiple conferences. I wrote and prepared a short summary of the work which is published as an insight piece on WSP NZ’s website.
